
Posts Tagged ‘Enterprise Connect’

UC Inside Track: Episode 7: Enterprise Connect with Special Guest Jamie Stark

March 16th, 2018 No comments

In this special remote episode with Jamie Stark of Microsoft, we look at the announcements at Enterprise Connect 2018, including the Microsoft keynote by Bob Davis, Microsoft Corporate Vice President, O365 Engineering, and the related commentary and demos by:

1. Marc Pottier
2. Ilya Bukshteyn
3. Lori Wright
4. Jeff Monaco of GE

Episode 07:

UC Inside Track is available directly via the link above, via RSS, iTunes, TuneIn, Google Music Play, and Podcast Addict.

UC Inside Track: Episode 5: All Things Teams with Special Guest Jamie Stark

February 12th, 2018 No comments

Our first Microsoft staffer guest with Jamie Stark. Jamie and I chatted about a bunch of stuff, including:

In this episode, we look at the following:

  1. Jamie’s role at Microsoft
  2. IT Pro Tools program
  3. Microsoft Ready
  4. Enterprise Connect
  5. The Teams road map and new features in January
  6. The TAP program

Episode 5:

UC Inside Track is available directly via the link above, via RSS, iTunes, TuneIn, Google Music Play, and Podcast Addict.