Home > Lync Server/Skype for Business Server > Changelog: Get-CsUpdateVersion.ps1

Changelog: Get-CsUpdateVersion.ps1

This is the changelog page for Get-CsUpdateVersion.ps1. You will find a complete list of released versions, their dates, and the features and issues addressed in each. Please refer to the script’s main page for more information including download links, installation details, and more.

v3.9 – 03-08-2017

  1. Converted script to return PowerShell objects instead of the previously used write-host and write-output. While this sheds the nicely colored output, it makes it far more effective, and better aligns with PowerShell best practices.
  2. Converted the script to ONLY use the online data for version info. This means that every time a new update is released for Lync Server 2010, Lync Server 2013, and/or Skype for Business Server 2015, I don’t need to release a new version of the script – merely update the hosted XML file containing the data. This also means that users of the script won’t need to always download a new version. This doesn’t mean there will be no further updates to the script.
  3. Fixed an issue where when using the online data (available in the last couple of versions using the -online switch) doesn’t check the online data for each server (and due to a glitch, sometimes twice for each server). The data is retrieved once when the script starts.
  4. Added some more verbose output, as large environments or those with slower connections to remote servers, or those with unreachable servers would slow the script down. Running it with the -verbose option will at least give the user some running information.
  5. Some code cleanup and optimization.

v3.8 – 02-14-2017

  1. added version 6.0.9319.277 for Skype for Business Server

v3.7 – 02-05-2017

  1. Code cleanup/optimization
  2. added version 5.0.8308.984 for Lync Server 2013

v3.6 – 01-06-2017

  1. Added 5.0.8308.977 for Lync Server 2013

v3.5 – 11-28-2016

  1. Added 5.0.8308.974 for Lync Server 2013
  2. Fixed an issue with the Get-UpdateInfo function that was causing unexpected “PSRemoting Failure” errors later in the script.
  3. Added the -online option, which will query update information from an online source instead of the info within the script itself. If this pans out ok, it will be the default method in future versions. It does require that the machine running the script have Internet access.

v3.4 – 11-12-2016

  1. Added new update mechanism
  2. Added some logging
  3. Added 4.0.7577.728 for Lync Server 2010
  4. Added 6.0.9319.272 for Skype for Business Server 2015

v3.3 – 08-31-2016

  1. Added build 5.0.8308.965 for Lync Server 2013

v3.2 – 07-15-2016

  1. Added build 5.0.8308.956 for Lync Server 2013

v3.1 – 07-05-2016

  1. Added build 6.0.9319.259 for Skype for Business Server 2015

v3.0 – 04-21-2016

  1. Added build 4.0.7577.726 for Lync Server 2010
  2. Added build 5.0.8308.949 for Lync Server 2013

v2.9 – 04-07-2016

  1. Added build 6.0.9319.235 (03/18/2016) – Thanks to Geir Age Moretensen for pointing it out

v2.8 – 01-26-2016

  1. Added support for Lync Server 2013 build 5.0.8308.945 (01/03/2016) – Thanks to Geir for pointing it out

v2.7 – 12-14-2015

  1. Added support for Lync Server 2013 build 5.0.8308.941 (12-14-2015)

v2.6 – 11-17-2015

  1. Added support for Skype for Business Server 2015 build 6.0.9319.102 (11/17/2015).

v2.5 – 11-11-2015

  1. Added support for Skype for Business Server 2015 build 6.0.9319.88 (9/26/2015).
  2. Removed references to Skype for Business Server 2015 Cumulative Updates due to general confusion.

v2.4 – 10-03-2015

  1. Added support for Lync Server 2013 CU15 (5.0.8308.927)
  2. Added support for Lync Server 2013 CU14 (5.0.8308.927). Thanks to Geir for submitting the info.
  3. added -SkipUpdateCheck to skip update check

v2.3 – 09-09-2015

  1. Added support for Skype for Business Server 2015 CU2 (6.0.9319.72)
  2. Added default of “Unknown version”. Thanks to Bernard for the idea.
  3. Code optimization
  4. server name is now only displayed as NetBIOS name to help reduce wordwrap (was previously FQDN). It’s red if the version is not the latest (or unknown), and green if it’s the latest version.

v2.2 – 07-14-2015

  1. Added support for Lync Server 2010 CU16 (4.0.7577.713) – Thanks to Martin for pointing it out.
  2. Added support for Lync Server 2013 CU13 (5.0.8308.920)

v2.1 – 06-21-2015

  1. Added support for Skype for Business Server 2015 RTM (6.0.9319.0)
  2. Added support for Skype for Business Server 2015 CU1 (6.0.9319.45)

v2.0 – 05-12-2015

  1. fixed typo for Lync Server 2010 CU15. Thanks to @greiginsydney for pointing it out.
  2. Updated Lync Server 2013 CU 11 – original download was 5.0.8308.871, but current download of CU 11 shows as 5.0.8308.872
  3. Added support for Lync Server 2013 CU 12 (5.0.8308.887)

v1.9 – 02-19-2015

  1. Added Lync Server 2013 CU 11 (5.0.8308.871)

v1.8 – 02-09-2015

  1. Added Lync Server 2010 CU 15 (4.0.7577.710)

v1.7 – 01-01-2015

  1. Added Lync Server 2010 CU 13 (4.0.7577.707)
  2. Added Lync Server 2010 CU 14 (4.0.7577.708)
  3. Added Lync Server 2013 CU 10 (5.0.8308.866)

v1.6 – 12-12-2014

  1. Added Lync Server 2013 CU 9 (5.0.8308.857)

v1.5 – 11-21-2014

  1. Added Lync Server 2013 post CU5 (5.0.8308.803)
  2. Added Lync Server 2013 CU 7 (5.0.8308.831)
  3. Added Lync Server 2013 CU 8 (5.0.8308.834)

v1.4 – 09-24-2014

  1. Added Lync Server 2013 CU6

v1.3 – 09-02-2014

  1. Added Lync Server 2010 CU12

v1.2 – 08-07-2014

  1. Added script check for updates. This is key because each time a new cumulative update comes out, the script will be updated with version info
  2. Added some preliminary code around getting version info for OWAS servers. Need to find a graceful way of getting the server names in a OWAS farm.
  3. Added Lync Server 2013 CU5

v1.1 – 06-02-2014

  1. Tweaked the PSRemoting code block for retrieving version numbers per Chris Irons. This should resolve unexpected results when querying Lync Server 2010 pools.
  2. Filtered out “Debugging Tools” “Resource Kit Tools” “Best Practices Analyzer” and “Meeting Room Portal” which could have a higher version number and cause incorrect results – thanks to Andy G for pointing that out.
  3. Shortened some of the output text to reduce the likelihood of word wrap.

v1.0 – 05-02-2014

  1. Initial version
  1. Steven Sheeley
    July 11th, 2016 at 16:54 | #1

    Are you planning on adding .949 for Lync 2013 anytime soon?


    • Pat Richard
      July 11th, 2016 at 17:40 | #2

      949 is already in there. It was added in v3.0 (April 2016). What is NOT there is .956, which I’ll get added today.

  2. Steven Sheeley
    May 1st, 2017 at 13:47 | #3

    With the addition of requirement of being able to download an XML file for this script to work now removes it from my arsenal. While I appreciate why you are doing this, in my environment, where Servers are blocked from having internet access, I am unable to use this script. What would work for me, and others in this situation, would be for us to be able to download a copy if the XML file and load it locally.

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