Changelog: Grant-CsPolicyByADGroup.ps1
This is the changelog page for Grant-CsPolicyByADGroup.ps1. You will find a complete list of released versions, their dates, and the features and issues addressed in each. Please refer to the script’s main page for more information including download links, installation details, and more.
v1.7 – 02-03-2017
- Code cleanup/optimization
v1.6 – 09-23-2014
- fixed a syntax issue that would throw an error. Thanks to John for alerting me.
v1.5 – 02-08-2014
- swapped in new Set-ModuleStatus function
- cleanup of param block per best practices
- cleanup of functions per best practices
- replaced aliases with correct full cmdlet name per best practice
v1.4 – 01-27-2014
- Fixed PowerShell v2.0 compatibility
- minor code cleanup
- -noprofile switch added to install routine
v1.2 – 10-16-2012
- Better handling of nested user groups and members
v1.1 – 09-19-2012
- Added support for nested AD groups
- Added variable in param() block to define type of policy to apply to users
- Optimization of Set-ModuleStatus, Install, and Remove-ScriptVariables functions
v1.0 – 09-10-2012
- Original version
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